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Technology For Change In Ghana

Developing sales outlets for organic produce has been a challenge in Ghana and Africa, We wish to rent shops for Grocery shops in some major cities across Ghana as an approach to linking our farmers produce to markets and making organic produce in Ghana visible. According to our survey shops around Spintex and Legon goes for $10000 per month, after securing the infrastructure we would need tables, shelves, counting machines, refrigerations and others to run efficient and effective system. We are targeting 3 places in Accra, 2 places in Tamale, 3 places in Takoradi, 1 place in Ho and cape coast. (Total $250000)

Cluster farming by members has been difficult due to effect of climate change and lack of irrigation equipment. Hence many members has moved about 100 meter closer to the water sources and field analysis from the Ghana Irrigation Development Authority suggested about $400000 is required to irrigate about 4000+ acres of farmland. (Total $400000) either using boreholes or canal type irrigation system.

Preparation needs

We have three types of membership-

  • Those into production of raw materials for local markets and exports

  • Those into value addion and we have the following factories- Cassava processing unit, Fruit juice processing unit and oil processing unit in three different rural communities.

  • Those into sales and marketing including partnering with off-takers for our products. We are working with distributing partners (Lisach Network Services and Frontier Links Limited) to lift everything farmers produce.

We are currently cultivating over 4000+ acres of farmland, made up of fruits and vegetable farming, cassava farming, mushroom and snail farming, agroforestry. With the right funding and investment, we hope to increased food production: The projects would enable us cultivate and harvest more for both local and international markets the followings-

Fruits farming of 320 hectares at 19,200 tons, Vegetable farming of 320 hectares at 12,800 tons and Cassava farming of 700 acres at 28000 tons.

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