If the government of Ghana use one billion dollar to import rice and sugar into the country, it means our government has used one billion dollars to generate employment for the exporting country at the expense of Ghana.
In that case four million dollars can be used to support rice farmers and sugarcane farmers to beef up production and safeguard foreign exchange for Ghana. Ghana has comparative advantage in rice, sugarcane, tomato and oil production to create jobs and increase income for our citizens.
To this Darsfoundation ( provide pro poor intervention to the rural poor in Volta, Eastern, Central and Greater Accra region. Some intervention for alleviating chronic poverty of our members are in -
Rural economic development
Capacity building for organic fruits and vegetables
Support for rural diversification in agriculture
Long term loan supports in agribusiness and agriculture
Training and advocacy in rural entrepreneurship
Training and advocacy in agribusiness and sustainable agriculture
Business and leadership management
Financial management and education
Darsfoundation is ready to support the women and youths to develop their ventures. Beneficiaries would pay for the principal loans and interest components depending on the type of project they enter into, this is to address women and youths unemployment as key for our transformation. On regular basis rural members are given financial education to stamp out chronic poverty and built capital for members to sustain and grow their business and families,
Darsfoundation is focused on providing new and extra opportunities to members including training and skills development of the women and youth in agriculture and agribusiness. Provide support for developing of SMEs and protection of the most vulnerable groups. This would help to address the root causes of illegal migration and rural unemployment.
One of the biggest challenges faced today is initiating the process that cover the broader base of women and youth group. More so, providing innovated technology that is cost efficient and effective to turn over profits in its shortest possible time and stamp out rural urban migration.